Arnie Johnson Tribute No. 17: They don’t make them like Arnie anymore!

by Tony Margareta
I first met Arnie in the late nineties at Hethel.
I’d just popped out to the smoke hut at the end of factory one for a quick ciggie.

Arnie was standing there having a smoke as well. I didn’t have a clue who he was, but we struck up a conversation. Arnie was such an honest, likeable easy-going guy and I instantly liked him; you just couldn’t not like him!
We had a good chat where he told me who he was, and I told him who I was. We parted saying we hope we bumped into each other again at some time.
Indeed we did some years later when I went to Lotus cars USA to run some training courses for them. Arnie greeted me like an old friend with that very infectious smile of his!
We met again on future training and Arnie always had time to talk. He was down to earth and could talk to anyone from any level and did his utmost to look after Lotus owners in the USA.
A big guy with a big smile and a bigger heart.
They don’t make them like Arnie anymore !
It was an honour and pleasure to have known him.
I will miss having a smoke and a Tanqueray and tonic with him!
-Tony Margarete
Technical & Training Specialist (Retired)
Lotus Cars Hethel 1987- 2020