1. Log into the website using your email address and your password. 
  2. Once you’re logged into the site, move your mouse to the menu at the top of the site and hover it over “Resources”.  A list of choices will appear.
    • Note: Mobile devices, yours is a little different.  Once you’re logged in, click on the three bars to open the menu.
  1. Notice in the choices that you have “ReMarque Magazine” and ReMarque Database”.  These are the two options you have for accessing ReMarque.  Here is the difference:
    • When you click on “ReMarque Magazine” it will open up the latest issue of ReMarque in a “Flip” format.  This is best suited to desktops and large laptops.  In this view you will see a glossary to the left and the magazine to the right.  Using the arrows to the right and left f the magazine, you can “Flip” from page to page and read as you like.
    • When you click on “ReMarque Database” you will see a table.  This table contains all of the years that we have magazines for, from 1973 to present (the latest issues is here too).  Click on the year for the magazine you want, locate the issue you want to download and then click  “Download”.  Once it is downloaded to your device you can open the file to read the magazine, or you can send it to your printer to print a hard copy of it.  This is best suited to smaller devices like tablets.
  1. You can also find these resources in the “Membership Dashboard”.
  1. Log into the website using your email address and your password. 
  2. Once you’re logged into the site, move your mouse to the menu at the top of the site and hover it over “Resources”.  A list of choices will appear. Note: Mobile devices, yours is a little different.  Once you’re logged in, click on the three bars to open the menu.
  1. Click on “ReMarque Database”.
  2. After you click on “ReMarque Database” you will see a table.  This table contains all of the years that we have magazines for, from 1973 to present (the latest issues is here too).  Click on the year for the magazine you want, locate the issue you want to download and then click  “Download”.  Once it is downloaded to your device you can open the file to read the magazine, or you can send it to your printer to print a hard copy of it.
  1. Log into the website using your email address and your password.
  2. At the top right side of the website click on “Membership Dashboard”.
  1. The membership dashboard will have a variety of tiles.  Navigate to the bottom left under “Features and Resources” and click on the “Directory” tile.  This will take you to the membership directory and the filters you can use to search with.
  1. Log into the website using your email address and your password.
  2. At the top right side of the website click on “Membership Dashboard”.
  1. The membership dashboard will have a variety of tiles.  Navigate to the bottom left under “Features and Resources” and click on the “Directory” tile.  This will take you to the membership directory.
  1. With the membership directory open, look to the right and click on “More Filters”.
  1. A list of six searchable filters will open.
  1. You can search by first name, last name, city, state, a members’ first or second Lotus car.  Here is an example, put your mouse in the “State” filter, click, and then type CO, and hit enter.   The site will find and display all active members in Colorado.

Need to set a new password for yourself?  Forgot your password?  Use these steps to reset it:

  1. Click on the “Member Logon” button in the top right corner of the home page of the web site.
  1. The Log On screen will appear.  At the bottom of the Log On box, find “Forgot Your Password” and click on it.
  1. The password reset screen will come up.  Enter your email in the box provided and then click the green “Reset Password” button.
  1. Go to your email and look for a password reset email from Lotus Ltd.  Open the email.
  2. Inside the email you will find a link.  Click on the link.
  3. The link will take you to a screen where you can create a new password.  Follow the instructions on the screen to reset your password.
  4. Once you’ve set a new password for yourself, you are ready to come back to the Lotus Ltd web site and access the membership area.

For active members, you have two ways to renew your membership.  Option 1 is to renew from the membership dashboard:

  1. Log into the website using your email address and your password.
  2. At the top right side of the website click on “Membership Dashboard”(remember on mobile devices you will have to press the three bars to open the menu).
  1. In the center of the membership dashboard will be a tile that says “Renew” Click on this button.
  1. Your membership dashboard will appear with a status of your membership.  Click on the “View” button.
  1. A page showing your orders will appear.  Click on the “Renew” button and follow the instructions to renew your membership.

A second way for active members to renew is to be looking in your email for Lotus Limited’s automated renewal letters.  &, 30, and 60 days prior to your membership expiring a renewal letter will be sent to your email on file (check your spam folder as sometimes these messages are put in there).   In the renewal latter will be a link with a green “Renew” button.  Click on the button and follow the instructions to renew.

For members whose membership has already expired, you will have to now “Re-Join” Lotus Limited to get back into the membership space.  At the top right, find the “Join” and “Re-Join” selections in the menu. 

There are several services available in the Membership Dashboard.

These services include:

Account – membership account functions like address, email, and password.

Renew – Allows a member to renew their membership

Membership Card – enables a member to print their membership card

Profile – View and edit your online profile

Directory – Search the Lotus Limited membership (active members only)

ReMarque – View the latest ReMarque magazine

LOG Survival Guide – Read and print the LOG survival guide

Forum – Access and post in the Lotus Limited Forums

ReMarque Database – Access to current and historical ReMarque issues

My Groups – Access to all of the local groups/clubs you’ve joined online in a single page

Buy and Sell – Access to the Lotus Limited Marketplace

Lotus by Number – A table of every Lotus type by number

Phone Tile – Instructions on how to create a tile on your mobile device for fast, easy, access

  1. Log into the website using your email address and your password.
  2. At the top right side of the website click on “Membership Dashboard”(remember on mobile devices you will have to press the three bars to open the menu).
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “Phone Tile”.
  1. Instructions to create a tile on your mobile device are in this area.  Instructions for both Android and iOS devices are included here.


  1. Log into the website using your email address and your password. 
  2. Once you’re logged into the site, move your mouse to the menu at the top of the site and hover it over “Resources”.  A list of choices will appear.
    • Note: Mobile devices, yours is a little different.  Once you’re logged in, click on the three bars to open the menu.
  1. Click on “ReMarque Database”.
  2. After you click on “ReMarque Database” you will see a table.  This table contains all of the years that we have magazines for, from 1973 to present (the latest issues is here too).  Click on the year for the magazine you want, locate the issue you want to download and then click  “Download”.  Once it is downloaded to your device you can open the file to read the magazine, or you can send it to your printer to print a hard copy of it.
  1. You can also click on the “Membership Dashboard” to access this same resource.
  1. Log into the website using your email address and your password. 
  2. Once you’re logged into the site, at the top right, click on “Marketplace”. 
    • Note: Mobile devices, yours is a little different.  Once you’re logged in, click on the three bars to open the menu.
  1. The Marketplace screen will open and you will see four choices; Cars for Sale, Parts for Sale, Parts Wanted, and Cars Wanted.  Click on the button that applies to what you want to list.
  1. Once you click on your selected button, a listing form will open.  The fields in this form are a combination of required and optional information fields.  The following fields are required and must be filled out:

Post Title (Ex 1969 Elan)
Make (Lotus of course)
Car/Part Description
Contact Name
Contact Email

  1. If you want to add a picture(s) to your listing, start by clicking on “Add to Gallery”
  1.  The website picture gallery will open.  Go to the top right and click “Upload”.